Terrazzo enhances the spaces in which we live, work, play, learn, worship, meet, govern, shop, and eat whether they are private or public; rooms, buildings, or complexes. Personalize your Terrazzo floors to customize your space!
Aggregates make up 75% of a Terrazzo floor's appearance. As such, aggregate colors and sizes are a very important aspect of designing any Terrazzo floor. Think marble, glass, mirror, mother of pearl and more.
Divider Strips
Divider strips act as a barrier between Terrazzo colors and allow intricate designs or patterns. The dividers themselves actually become an important design element. Standard dividers are made of zinc, brass or aluminum.
Key Resin Epoxy Color
The 'epoxy background' color chosen can literally be ANY color, think beyond paint store selection. Match a decor color, a logo color, a pantone color, a team color - the possibilities are endless!
- Artistic freedom, unlimited design possibilities
- Low or no V.O.C.'s
- High traffic durability
- Horizontal and vertical surfaces
- Low maintenance
- Chemically resistant and fire-proof
- Groutless, seamless surface
- Low life-cycle cost
- Non-porous for healthy environments